The world’s greatest ball – handler, former And 1 Mixtape star and current NBA Skills Trainer, PAT THE ROC has confirmed he will be at the KYSPORTS.TV Prep Showcase in June.
Pat the Roc is doing a series of 4 hour skill sessions in Kentucky the days of June 7-8 & 9 prior to appearing at the KYSPORTS.TV Prep Showcase on June 9 at Barren County Schools.
There are two weeks left to register for the Showcase before the price will up from $150 to $175. Get registered today for this first of its kind event in Kentucky. Beginning May 20, registration fee is $175.
Media Coverage will be at an all time high with national media outlets such as Coast II Coast Preps in attendance, every camper will play in front of multiple KYSPORTS.TV cameras for exposure. REGISTER HERE —–> KYSPORTS.TV PREP SHOWCASE REGISTRATION
Here is a sample of Pat the Rocs work with KYSPORTS.TV Prep Showcase commit and KHSAA State Champion Zion Harmon.