Grow Your Brand Through Local Sports

Are you looking to reach a highly engaged and passionate sports audience? Look no further than KySportsTV! Our platform reaches thousands of viewers across the state through our website and social media channels. We cover a wide range of sports, from middle school to professional athletics, and offer a diverse range of content including AAU tournaments and major college sports. By advertising with us, you can increase your visibility and brand recognition among a targeted audience. We offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities, including banner ads, sponsored content, and commercial placements during our live broadcasts. Our team is dedicated to delivering top-quality coverage and working with our sponsors to ensure their messaging is effectively promoted. Partnering with KySportsTV is a great way to reach a dedicated sports audience and drive business success.

OUR REACH Dec 2022
Facebook 209,000
Youtube 46,000
Website 24,000
Twitter 57,000
Instagram 4,400
KySportsTV Reach. Dec 2022.


WOMEN 20.20%
MEN 79.80%
KySportsTV Dec 2022
Facebook Page followers by gender and age
Age Women Men
18-24 5.10% 6.90%
25-34 6.40% 12%
35-44 19.40% 11.50%
45-54 16.30% 9.70%
55-64 5.30% 2.50%
65+ 3.30% 1.60%
Instagram followers by gender and age
Age Women Men
18-24 6.10% 31.10%
25-34 3.40% 16.30%
35-44 9.40% 13.30%
45-54 7.40% 8.60%
55-64 1.10% 1.70%
65+ 0.70% 0.90%
Facebook Page followers by top cities
Top cities Value
Louisville, KY 10.80%
Elizabethtown, KY 5.60%
Bowling Green, KY 5.40%
Glasgow, KY 5%
Campbellsville, KY 4.70%
Lexington, KY 3.60%
Columbia, KY 1.80%
Franklin, KY 1.80%
Horse Cave, KY 1.70%
Munfordville, KY 1.70%
KySportsTV Dec 2022


Single Game 3 Games 5 Games Season (10 Games)
GAME COVERAGE (Team) $150 $400 $675 $1,200
GAME COVERAGE (Player) $100 $250 $400 $800
game coverage includes game film, editing, and photography
EDITING (1.2 hr/max) $40 CALL CALL CALL
Rates for game coverage Jan 2023

Each game includes KySportsTV coming out to cover your game, and entails us FILMING the game, POSTING information on social media before, during and after the event, and providing GAME FILM, HIGHLIGHTS and PHOTOS, all of which will be posted to the appropriate social account.

Single Game 3 Games 5 Games Season (10 Games)
Game Coverage (VIDEO) $150 $400 $650 $1200
Game Coverage (LOGO) $100 $200 $400 $850
Highlights (LOGO) $35 $100 $165 $300
Rates for video advertising Jan 2023

You have the option of having your 1 minute video ad appear during game film, once per quarter or 4 times total, or having your logo appear on game film for 1 minute once per quarter or 4 times. Note that the length of your branding on highlights will depend on the length of the video but is generally priced for 1 minute.

BANNER AD (website)
(shown on every page) Size Monthly Rate
728×90 (TOP) $1,000
300×250 (SIDE) $750
728×90 (BOTTOM) $500
(shown on home page) Size Monthly Rate
728×90 (TOP) $500
300×250 (SIDE) $250
728×90 (BOTTOM) $150
(shown on category pages) Size Monthly Rate
ex. football, UK, KOB 728×90 (TOP) $250
300×250 (SIDE) $150
728×90 (BOTTOM) $100

KySports.TV has a variety of advertising opportunities available, so please don’t hesitate to contact us at for more information on partnering with our growing network. We will do custom advertising. If you have something in mind, email us and we’ll see if we can work something out.

READY TO GET STARTED??? Call?Text us TODAY at 502-627-0570